Author Archives: Township FD

Put a Freeze on Winter Fires

The risk of having a home fire increases during the winter months. To help you spread the message about winter fire hazards and ways to prevent them, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the United States Fire Administration (USFA) are teaming up to promote “Put a Freeze on Winter Fires”. The annual campaign draws attention to the risks of home fires and ways to keep you and your loved ones safe during the winter months.

Each week during December, January and February, USFA will share helpful and practical tips for you to share on your social media accounts. Follow #wintersafety on Twitter at @usfire and on Facebook at

For more fire safety and prevention information, visit USFA.


Eau Claire County Emergency Notification System (Smart911)

Eau Claire County Emergency Notification System (smart911) is a system designed to provide emergency, disaster, and weather related alerts. These alerts can be pushed to your phone or email depending on what you sign up for. To sign up for smart911, click here: smart911

Smart911 is a service provided by Eau Claire County.