Student Firefigther Program
In February 2001, Township Fire Department began a Student Firefighter Program to allow students between 16 and 18 years of age an opportunity to learn about firefighting while not being involved in actual control of fire, hazardous material incidents, patient care of other emergencies.
Students are equipped with personal protective equipment that meets the departments standards so training and other jobs can be performed safely. Students are also equipped with pagers so they are aware of incidents and other important information.
Once the membership of a Student Firefighter has been accepted, they are provided with many opportunities to prepare themselves for their fire career. They are provided with hours of in station and inner departmental training, and opportunities to take classes through the Chippewa Valley Technical College.
Student firefighters are also provided the chance to become involved in assisting with station events, participating in parades, fire prevention activities, and other community events throughout the area.
Once a student has reached the age of 18, the student then applies to become a Probationary Firefighter at which time they are able to start responding to calls for service and putting to use the skills they have already learned.
If you are interested in applying for the Student Firefighter Program, go to the home page and click on the “Join Our Team” tab on the right side. Scroll down to the “Click here to download an application to join our organization” and click on the link. You can then print out and application and submit the completed application at our office. You will then be contacted in the near future for further follow-up.