DNR Fire Danger Today:  HIBERNATING


Burning permits may be obtained through the online application at the bottom of this page. If the permit is not visible below, permits are not being issued at this time.

Burn permits will not be issued over the phone.

Permits available after 4 pm, Monday - Friday. 8 am-8 pm on Saturday.

Burning Hours: Monday - Friday 6 pm to midnight.  Saturday 8am to Midnight. No burning on Sundays or Holidays.

Broadcast/Large scale burns Broadcast or other large scale/long duration burning MUST be inspected by a fire department representative BEFORE burning is to be started. A permit will need to be obtained and any restrictions for the burn must be followed. Failure to obtain an inspection and permit will be treated as burning without a permit and will result in a fine and charges for personnel and equipment to extinguish the burn. Call 715-834-6868 and leave a voicemail with burn address and details and someone will contact you. An adult must be in attendance of the fire until it is completely out and cold to touch. Materials that may be burned (open burning or in a barrel) — Dry leaves, brush, clean wood and other vegetative debris are the only items that may be burned. Burning garbage is prohibited. Other prohibited materials include tires, shingles, plastics and treated lumber. Burning Barrels — Burning is allowed in a burn barrel during the listed burning hours provided the wind speed is below 10 miles per hour, without a burning permit when the burn barrel has vent openings less than ½ inch and the top is covered by a ½ inch or less wire mesh. Burn barrels are not to be use for burning garbage and opening burning rules apply. Annual burn barrel permits are required in Seymour. Note: the Town of Washington no longer requires burn barrels to be inspected and the inspection fee is no longer collected. Anyone burning in a burn barrel in the Town of Washington MUST call or obtain a permit each time they use their barrel. Open Burning — Burning permits are required for all open burning, year round. All burning shall be conducted only on the property on which the materials were generated. All piles of materials to be burned shall be sized appropriately so that the fire will be completely out by midnight. Cooking, Recreational & Campfires — A burning permit is not required for cooking, recreational and campfires, provided the wind speed is below 10 miles per hour. These fires must be less than 5’ in diameter, the wood used in a campfire shall be sized appropriately for a small camp fire, and the fire shall be confined by a control device or structure such as a barrel, fire ring or fire pit. Burning Bans — All forms of outdoor burning are prohibited during a burning ban. Commercial Properties  Burning on commercial properties is prohibited without special approval from the DNR (air quality management) and the Fire Chief. This includes outdoor burning, burning in a barrel and burning confidential papers. Attendance of Fires — Open burning and burning in a barrel shall be constantly attended and supervised by a competent person of at least eighteen (18) years of age until the fire is extinguished and is cold to touch. Liability — Any person who starts or causes an outdoor fire shall be liable for all fire suppression costs if the fire is in violation of this ordinance or it endangers property not covered by the permit or persons. Fines for violating these regulations shall be a forfeiture of not less than $100 or more than $300 plus court costs. Closed Burning Periods — Township Fire Department, Inc. may prohibit all burning during prolonged dry periods or when other conditions make burning hazardous. Watch for these announcements. Attention Landlords — Property owners are responsible for compliance with these rules by their tenants. A copy of the burning regulations in its entirety is available from your town office. Please also review the ordinance for your town as listed below. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CALL 911. Obtain a free burning permit to burn approved materials as explained above and in the burn ordinance by completing the self-issued burning permit below.

DNR Permits — Properties within the DNR fire control areas of the Town of Seymour and Town of Washington require a DNR Burning permit and a burning permit from township fire department. Information regarding how to obtain a DNR burning permit can be found at http://dnr.wi.gov/Topic/ForestFire/Permits.html.  We also recommend reviewing the DNR website for info about burning restrictions and fire activity at http://www.apps.dnr.wi.gov/wisburn

Regulations — Please review the burning ordinances and regulations for your town as linked here:

A copy of your permit will be emailed to you when your application is successfully submitted. If you do not receive your permit, check spam/junk folders. If the permit application below is unavailable, it means that either it is outside the times permits are issued or the conditions are not favorable for burning. Please see the notice at the top of this page and then check back again when burning is permitted.

    [time apptime class:app_time time-format:HH:mm TT Z]

    (This permit is only valid for burning legal items listed here)

    (do you have a dnr permit?)

    (Items not otherwise listed)

    (Permits must be obtained ON the day of the burn)

    I hereby acknowledge that I am of 18 years of age or older and that I have the physical and mental capacity to conduct any burning for which this burning permit is issued. This acknowledgement is hereby deemed to be a condition of the permit, and non-compliance shall be considered a permit violation. I have read the burn ordinance for my town and agree to comply with burning regulations for the area served by Township Fire Department.

    By submitting this application, I acknowledge that:

    • I understand that this permit expires at midnight and that the fire associated with the permit must be completely out.
    • I understand that the materials burned in accordance with this permit must be sized accordingly so that the fire will be completely out or extinguished by midnight.
    • I understand that the fire being completely out means “Cold to the touch”.
    • I understand that all fires (open burning, campfires, incinerators or burn barrels) must be attended by a competent person over the age of 18, until the fire is completely out.
    • I understand that I may only burn dry leaves,brush, clean wood and other vegetative debris. All other materials (garbage, tires, shingles,plastics, treated lumber) are prohibited.
    • I have read and understand the burning regulations for the municipality in which I will conduct burning under this burning permit.