Station Officers
Battalion Chief - John Norby
Captain - Scot Iversen
Associate Member - Noah Wallace III
Lieutenant - Robert Brazeau
Lieutenant - Tim Johnson
Division Chief of Investigations & Inspections - Darrell Christy
Fire Inspector and Training Instructor - Jeff Meyer
About the Town of Pleasant Valley
The Town of Pleasant Valley is located in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin.
Estimated population in 2022 was 3939. The town covers an area of 54.2 square miles, totaling 34,681 acres of land. The majority is agriculture (75.1%) and residential development (14.1%).
A civil town created December 4, 1858 was originally named Machias. The name changed to Clear Creek on January 25, 1877. Shortly thereafter the town was named Pleasant Valley on November 20, 1877.
The town is served by Eau Claire Area, Eleva-Strum and Mondovi School Districts, the 7th County Supervisor District, the 31st Senate and 93rd Assembly Districts and 3rd Congressional District.
Notices are posted on the town website as well as on the exterior of the town hall.
Monthly board meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:30pm at the town hall/fire station.
Town of Pleasant Valley Website
Station 4 - Pleasant Valley
S10400 Cty. Rd. HH/I
Eleva, WI 54738