(This permit is only valid for burning legal items listed here)
(do you have a dnr permit?)
(Items not otherwise listed)
(Permits must be obtained ON the day of the burn)
I hereby acknowledge that I am of 18 years of age or older and that I have the physical and mental capacity to conduct any burning for which this burning permit is issued. This acknowledgement is hereby deemed to be a condition of the permit, and non-compliance shall be considered a permit violation.
I have read the burn ordinance for my town and agree to comply with burning regulations for the area served by Township Fire Department.
By submitting this application, I acknowledge that:
- I understand that this permit expires at midnight and that the fire associated with the permit must be completely out.
- I understand that the materials burned in accordance with this permit must be sized accordingly so that the fire will be completely out or extinguished by midnight.
- I understand that the fire being completely out means “Cold to the touch”.
- I understand that all fires (open burning, campfires, incinerators or burn barrels) must be attended by a competent person over the age of 18, until the fire is completely out.
- I understand that I may only burn dry leaves,brush, clean wood and other vegetative debris. All other materials (garbage, tires, shingles,plastics, treated lumber) are prohibited.
- I have read and understand the burning regulations for the municipality in which I will conduct burning under this burning permit.